How to Use TJC Local Church Sermon Website

Table of Content
I. What this website can do for you?
II. General Use
a) Home Page
b) Change Language for the Interface
c) Browse (Basics)
d) Browse (Sorting)
e) Browse (Filtering)
III. Display sermons on your own space.
a) Widget (Basics)
b) Widget (Latest Sermons)
c) Widget (Browse All)
IV. Management.
a) Login
b) Management (Basics)
c) Management (Edit Form)
d) Management (Upload Sermons)
e) Management (Video Links)
f) Church Sermon List
V. Techical Support
I. What this website can do for you?
a) The Local Church Sermon Website is developed for each local church in True Jesus Church to upload and share their sermons on the internet. Sermons are one of most important asset in True Jesus Church. We would like as many people as possible to learn from our sermons and receive the teachings and blessings from the Bible and God.
b) The Local Church Sermon Website allows each local church to manage and share the sermons with their own members. Selective sermons will be included in our eLibrary system and will be shared to even more people.
c) The sermons are collected along with the metadata which includes information such as the speaker and place. There is also an interface that allows you to sort or filter for sermons in which you are interested.
d) The Local Church Sermon Website also provides a Widget interface. You can copy one line of the code and share the sermons in your own webpage, blog, or on any other website.
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II. General Use
a) Home Page
1) Section 1 contains the page title and an overview of all the rest of the other pages. At the top of the page, you can clearly see which church you are looking at. There is also the Login & Change Language links (we will explain these 2 functions later). On the far right, the current version is listed.
2) Section 2 displays the most recently added sermons and other details about it. The list also includes the most commonly searched sermons.
3) Section 3 provides different ways to find a sermon. There are 4 boxes in this area. These boxes are also called widgets. From top to bottom: sermons categorized by speaker, sermons categorized by speaker’s language, sermons categorized by weekend and newest approved sermons from other churches.
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b) Change Language for the Interface
You can choose to read the page in a different language; currently we provide English, Chinese, and Spanish. Simply click on the “change language” link below the title. You will see a “select language” page. Choose the language you prefer and click on “Submit”.
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c) Browse (Basics)
1) Under the Page Title, there is a tab bar which allows you to switch to different functions. Click on “Browse” to see a list of all the sermons from the church.
2) If you find a sermon you would like to listen to, simply click on the “Listen” link beside the sermon title.
3) The sermons are sorted by “Sermon Date” on default. To look for more sermons from a previous date, you can use the “Change page” function located on the left hand bottom of the page to browse through a different page. Use < or > to go previous and next page or click on the page number to jump to a specific page. The “…” link will show you the next 10 pages.
4) On the right bottom of the list, it tells you which page you are at, the total items, and the current position of items.
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d) Browse (Sorting)
If you find that it is not easy to locate the sermon you like, you can click any column’s title to sort by that specific column.
Click on a text column title and it will sort the column in ascending alphabetical order, or click a second time to sort in descending order.
Click on a date column title to sort the column in descending order (from newest to oldest), then click a second time to sort the column in ascending order (from oldest to newest).
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e) Browse (Filtering)
Below the title in each column, there is an input box with a little icon beside it. These are filter tools which allows you to perform a filter on certain column(s).
For example, if you want to look for sermons after a certain date. You can enter the date under “Sermon Date” column, then click on the little icon beside it and choose “GreaterThan”. You will see a new result with fewer items.
If you want to find some sermons containing “love” in the title, you can type “love” in the box under the “Title” column. Then click on the icon beside it and choose “Contains”. You will see a new result with only the sermon titles that have “love” in it.
You can also use this technique to filter other column such as “Speaker”, “Interpreter”, languages…etc. You can also put in filter values in multiple columns, which will give you a more precise result.
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III. Display sermons on your own space.
a) Widget (Basics)
To display a “Sermon Widget” in your own webpage, here are the instructions.
1) Click on “Widget” on the tab bar. You will see the widget setup page, a line of code, and the preview of widget.
2) There are 2 types of Widget you can choose from:
Latest Sermon: Display only the newest sermon from the current church.
Browse All: Display all sermons with simple browsing features from the current church.
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b) Widget (Latest Sermons)
1) First we will introduce to you how to setup the latest sermon widget.
i) Widget Mode:
* Newest Sermons: Simply display newest sermons.
* Newest by Speaker: Display newest sermons grouped by speakers. The speakers’ names become tabs. These tabs allow users to switch between different speakers.
* Newest by Language (Display Single Language): Display newest sermons group by speaker’s language. Display all tabs in one interface language.
* Newest by Language (Display Multiple Languages): Display newest sermons group by the speaker’s language. The display interface has different languages to match speaker’s language.
* Newest by Weekend: Displays the newest sermons grouped by weekend.
* Newest from Other Churches: Displays the newest sermons grouped by other churches. It will only display the sermons which have been approved.
ii) Language: Choose the interface language. We provide 3 languages: English, Chinese, and Spanish.
iii) Number of Group: The max number of group is allowed. If you choose “Newest by Speaker” from the widget mode, and set this number to 6, there are a maximum of 6 speakers that can be displayed.
iv) Sermons per Group: You can set the maximum number of sermons for each group. If you choose “Newest by Speaker” from widget mode, and set this number to 10. Then there are a maximum of 10 sermons that can be displayed for each speaker.
v) Player Mode:
* Player in New Window (Popup): When you click on a sermon in the widget, a window will pop up and start playing the sermon.
* Player in Widget: When you click on a sermon in the widget, a new player tab will be created and will start playing the sermon. You can click on the other tabs to switch back to the list view.
* Player in Local Church Page: When you click on a sermon in the widget, it will create a new page and link to the local church player view.
vi) Widget Size: You can choose different sizes for your widget from 300x240 to 1200x960.
vii) Background: You can use the color picker function to change your widget’s background color.
2) After you finish adjusting the settings, you can click on “Save Settings & Preview” to see what your widget would look like. Feel free to play around with your new widget. You can tweak a few more settings and keep saving until you find the one that is most suitable for you. Once you are happy with your widget, click on the text box beneath "Embed". The text box will be automatically highlighted; you can use "Edit\Copy" or “Ctrl+C” to copy the code for your own webpage.
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c) Widget (Browse All)
1) Church: You can choose from “Sermons from Current Church Only” and “Includes Sermons from Other Churches”. The sermons from the other churches are preapproved.
2) Language: Interface language. (same as above)
3) Sermon Language:
* Language Matches Speaker's Language or Interpreter's Language: If your interface language is English, the system will display the sermons in which the Speaker’s language is English or Interpreter’s language is English.
* Language Matches Speaker's Language Only: If your interface language is English, the system will display the sermons which the Speaker’s language is English and not check for the translator’s language.
4) Sermon per Page: The number of sermons per page.
5) Player Mode: (same as above)
6) Widget Size: (same as above)
7) Background: (same as above)
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IV. Management.
a) Login
To manage this website, you need to login first.
1) Click on the Login link on the top.
2) Type in your login name (usually an email) and password. Choose the interface language you prefer. Click on “Submit” to login.
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b) Management (Basics)
1) After you login, you can see that more tab(s) appear on the top. If you are using a local church account, you can see a “Management” tab. If you are using a content manager account. You will see both “Management” and “Church List” tabs. Click on the “Management” tab to enter management page.
2) The management screen looks very similar to the “Browse” screen. There are a few differences. The management list has an additional column, “location”, to indicate which location the sermon is from. The management list is sorted by “Upload Date” on default, not “Sermon Date”.
3) There is an “Edit” link in front of each sermon. Click on the “Edit” to edit specific sermon. If you are using a local church account. You may see that some “Edit” links are not available to certain sermons. This is because those sermons are uploaded by other content managers, and you don’t have authority to edit them. If you are using a content manager account, you should be able to edit all sermons.
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c) Management (Edit Form)
1) After you click on the “Edit” for a sermon, an edit form will popup. On this form you can change any information and save it.
There are 3 buttons on the top of this form:
* Save: Save the changes you have made.
* Reset: Restore the last saved data from system. Any changes you have made, but not saved, will be removed.
* Close: Close this edit form and go back to the list. If you have made some changes, it will display on the list.
2) Please note there are 2 sets of information for different languages. The languages of information are determined by the spoken language from Speaker & Interpreter. You can switch between 2 languages by clicking on the language tabs shown above in the lower red circle.
3) If you want to change the spoken languages or remove translation language information due to special reasons, you can click on the “Change Languages” beneath “Speaker’s Language” or “Translator’s Language”. You can choose the proper spoken languages in the popup.
If you choose “-----” for Interpreter’s Language, the language of information for interpreter will be removed as well.
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d) Management (Upload Sermons)
If you want to upload more sermons, just click on “Upload More Sermons”. This will bring you into “Sermon Bulk Upload Wizard”. For more information on how to use this wizard, simply click on “Help” in the wizard.
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e) Management (Video Links)
What you can do with this function:
* You can upload an .mp3 file and a video link within the same item ID
* You can allow viewers to switch between audio and video
* You can allow viewers to download the .mp3
What you cannot do with this function:
* You cannot upload different sermons for the .mp3 file and video link
* You cannot allow viewers to switch between audio and video IF you only upload a video
* You cannot allow viewers to download the .mp3 IF you only upload a video
* You cannot allow viewers to download the video file
Note: if you only have a video link, you may download this free converter to create an .mp3 file from any type of video.
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f) Church Sermon List
1) This function is for content managers only. If you login under a content manager account, you will see a “Church List” tab. Click on it to view the church list. This page displays all local churches with their recent sermon upload status. Local churches are grouped by country and are sorted in alphabetical order.
2) The “Sermon Upload” statuses are broken down to “last 1 week”, “last 2 week”, “last 1 month”, “last 3 month”, “last 6 month”, “last 1 year”. This gives you a better idea on what kind of activities took place for each church in the past. It also displays a total amount of sermons uploaded for each country.
3) There is a “Choose Language” drop down list on the top. This refers to the language of information. If the language is “English”, it means the number in the sheet represents the sermons that contain “English” information.
You can change between different languages; you shall see the numbers change from one language to the other.
4) If you want to manage one local church’s sermons. Click on “Manage” besides that church and it will bring you to management page for that church.
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V. Techical Support
If you encounter any problem(s) with the website, or you have any suggestion based on your user experience. Please contact us at
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